Club Agenda

Hey everyone,

If anyone has been unable to attend the previous meetings. Here is an important document outlining the agenda for the club. This includes everything that the club will involve.

Download, print out a hard copy and keep it handy just in case.

Welcome to the Anime Club! copy

If you have any questions about the blog, inquiries about the Anime Club itself or speak to the President or Secretary. Here is our official email address:

We love to hear your feedback. We are happy to accept any questions.


*If you are expected to give a presentation on an anime but unfortunately cannot attend the required meeting, you must inform either the president or secretary immediately. This will assist in preparation of back up plans for the future meeting.

*Any contact details given out are only restricted within the premises of the club’s purposes. Members are not allowed to give away any contact information outside the club unless it is for the purpose of the club.

*Any anime featuring forms of explicit content (such as extreme violence or nudity) must be first approved by either the President or Vice President before being presented at meetings and especially being launched on the club’s blog.

*Value each other’s opinion – it is okay to give criticism but never tease! Everyone has a different opinion so listen what each member has to say. Acknowledge and encourage each member to get involved in conversations, activities and presentations.

*Get involved – volunteer to present an anime (this maybe good practise for future presentations in your studies); help everyone out during busy functions (including fundraising events) and engage in group discussions.

*HAVE LOTS OF FUN!! (This is perhaps the best rule of the club)

Kind regards,

Perline. President.


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