
One of the activities the Anime Club does is watch anime. This will be the opportunity for members to express their passion and interest in an anime show. But it will also inspire members to be exposed to unseen anime shows. Following that will be an open discussion by the members talking about certain themes, ideas, characters or artwork of the anime viewed. Those ideas can be put forward onto this blog and it will assist in publishing the club’s annual magazine.

Members will also be allowed to bring any form of merchandise from the anime explored. These things can include figurines, costumes, posters, DVDs etc. It will be a fun time for members to share their interest in anime.

Other activities will include the opportunity to attend anime conventions. There, members can dress up and get involved in the activities. It will be the chance for members to interact with other anime fans and explore anime in a different way.

Fundraising is something that needs to support the club. Come and support the club in anyway possible!


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